Saturday, March 8, 2025


Joshua 11

Literary Considerations

Figure 1: Structure of the Book of Joshua

I. Conquering the Land (chs. 1-11)

A. Introductory Scenes (1:1- 5:9)

B. Cities for the Lord (5:10-8:35)

C. Taking the Inheritance (9:1-11:23)

D. Summary of Conquered Kings (ch. 12)

II. Dividing the Land (chs. 13-24)

C'. The Tribes' Inheritance (chs. 13-19)

B'. Cities from the Lord (chs. 20-21)

A'. Final Scenes (chs. 22-24)

Appropriately, Section C concludes with “And the land had rest from war.” Interestingly, this identical statement appears only one other place in the book, near the start of Section C' (14:15), forming another symmetry between the first and second halves of Joshua. Also, this final verse in Joshua notes that all the conquered land was intended “for an inheritance to Israel according to tribal allotments.” And that allotment will be the sole subject of the last half of the book, as evidenced by the fact that the word “inheritance” occurs over forty times in Josh. 13-24 as the major theme of the second half.

By contrast, Butler sees the “rest theology” of the book announced in 1:12-18 ending the first major section with ch. 12, and summarized in 21:43-45. He states that “the entire book is to be read in light of these [latter] verses.” In fact, as I have said above (in agreement with Boling and Wright), it is more precise to state that this theme finds its more explicit statement at 11:16-23, rather than with ch.12.

As for the three separate sections constituting Section IC, Figure 2 demonstrates their parallel nature as seen in their respective opening statements.

Figure 2: Structure of Joshua 9-11

1. The Treaty with the Gibeonites (ch. 9)

When the kings [of the seven Canaanite nations] heard of this, they gathered fight Joshua and Israel.”

2. Defending the Gibeonites (ch. 10)

When ...king of Jerusalem heard..., he...sent to [four other kings] saying, "Come up...and let us smite Gibeon; for it has made peace with Joshua and with the people of Israel. Then the five kings...gathered their forces, and went up with all their armies and encamped against Gibeon...”

3. Defeating the Kingly Coalition (ch. 11)

When...king of Hazor heard of this, he sent to [various kings and the seven Canaanite nations]...And all these kings joined their forces and came and encamped fight with Israel.”

Moving through these three subsections, there is a progression of sorts with the three sets of challenges becoming more and more overwhelming. Also note the important fact that in each conflict, it is Israel's enemies who make the first move. That may be considered as a somewhat mitigating factor lessening the impression of the Israelites as bloodthirsty conquerors.

Gray notes: “The pattern of this account [i.e. ch. 11] is the same as in ch. 10, a native coalition (vv. 1-5; cf. 10:1-5),...a sudden and decisive attack (vv. 7-9; cf. 10:9-14), the over-running of the country and the general destruction of certain towns under the ban (vv. 10-15; cf. 10:28-39) in the convention of the Holy War.”

Woudstra adds, “Each account speaks of a single instigator of the coalition: the king of Jerusalem in ch. 10, and the king of Hazor in ch. 11.”

That brings us to the organization of Joshua 11 itself. And here, the picture is not quite as clear. For example, my review of five modern English translations shows that no two agree exactly as to where the division points in the chapter lie. However, one may accept the structure in Figure 3 as a rough approximation in which at least the sections endings at verses 9, 15, and 20 are accepted by the majority of the versions.

                                           Figure 3: Structure of Joshua 11

    1. Introduction: Enemies Assemble Against Israel (vv. 1-5)

            2. God Hands Them Over (vv. 6-9)

                    3. Towns and Kings Taken (vv. 10-15)

                            4. Land Taken (vv. 16-19)

            2'. God Hardens Enemies' Hearts (v. 20)

                    3'. The Anakim Taken (vv. 21-22)

    1. Conclusion: Israel Has Rest (v. 23)

Throughout these battles, it is obviously Yahweh who is not only winning the battles, but also the one who ultimately initiated the conflicts. God's actions in those two respective regards are specifically mentioned in the parallel sections 2 and 2'. That latter fact also can be seen in the similar closing statements shown in the diagram below at verses 9, 12, 15 and 23. Actually, the only failure recorded is when the Israelites contravened the letter of the law by sparing the Gibeonites, much as Rahab and her family were spared in a previous section.

Sometimes confirming and other times supplementing the above symmetries based on topical considerations are the following mirror-image constructions present in the text which are based on repeated language:

        Israel (6a)

                I will hand over (6b)

                        struck them down (8a)

                the LORD handed them over (8b)

        Israel (8c)


by the sword (10a)

                      struck their kings down (10b)

                                    utterly destroyed (11b)

                                                    took (12a)

                                    utterly destroyed (12b)

by the edge of the sword (12c)

                    struck them down (12d)


        took (16)

                Israelites (19)

                        Israel (20a)

                                utterly destroyed (20b)

                                utterly destroyed (21a)

                        Israel (21b)

                Israelites (22)

        took (23)

And a final way in which the text is tied together comes from the exact number of times certain key words are repeated, keeping in mind that “seven” and “ten” represent completion or perfection in Hebrew symbology while 6 = imperfection Thus, Joshua 11 contains:

    “all” – 17x=10+7 (As Younger points out, “The word all characterizes these verses, emphasizing the totality of the conquest.”)

    “no/none/nothing/not any – 7x

    YAHWEH – 10x if “I” in v. 6 is included

    Joshua – 14x=2x7

    lands in the “hill country” – 6x=7-1

Problem Areas

Historicity of the Account

Blair talks about the excavations made by Y. Yadin since 1995: “Yadin found conclusive evidence that Hazor was destroyed about the middle of the 13th century BC, and attributed this destruction to Joshua. Of special interest are the remains of a Canaanite temple and objects of worship, which reveal that the religion of Hazor involved the worship of the sun-god in association with a bull.”

Contra Yadin's assertion, however, Boling and Wright state: “It has been plausibly argued that the destruction of Hazor in the late thirteenth or earlier twelfth century [B.C.] can be as readily traced to the Sea Peoples.” But those same two authors admit that the lack of evidence for any other widespread destruction at that time is perfectly understandable: “The forts and villages were in fact so small that a serious military blow might very well not show in the form of a 'destruction layer.”

Holy Wars

Probably the greatest barrier people today have when they read passages like this is the apparently inordinate amount of bloodshed the conquering Israelites caused, especially in light of the fact that God hardened the enemy's heart. This is too large a topic to completely discuss here, but here are a few relevant comments from scholars:

The Jerusalem Bible: “Cf. Dt 7:2f and 20:16-18 where reasons for this massacre are given: the conquest is a holy war, the land of Yahweh must be purified of its pagan inhabitants, Israel is holy and therefore a people apart, Deut 7:6ff; it must use no half-measures or its faith will be compromised. This did not in fact happen...the reason for failure (the sins of Israel) and why God allowed it (to test his people) are explained in Jg. 2:20-3:4 (see Jg. 2:6ff).”

“Deuteronomy commanded Israel to obey God, destroy the inhabitants, have no mercy, make no covenant, make no marriages (7:1-3). Such a command had a divine purpose. It removed the temptations to follow other gods. From the days of the Judges and especially from the period of Solomon onward, the great temptation was to make political alliances through covenants and political marriages between royal families (1 Kgs 11:1-8; 16:31; 20:30-43).” (Butler)

Why Were the Horses Mutilated?

Woudstra states, “In view of what was said above [i.e. “Israel knew that reliance on chariots and horses was vain (see Ps. 20:7)], the command to hamstring the horses in order to render them unusable for further combat can be easily understood...Israel is to rely on the Lord, although the more common forms of combat are not thereby ruled out (see also v. 7; cf. 10:9).”

Freedman adds that hamstringing horses made them still “employable for domestic occupations.”

Why Did God Take Away the Enemy's Free Will?

“To protect Israel against the major sin of idolatry, God commanded her to show no mercy to the enemy. To enable her to keep the commandment, God caused her enemies to fight her rather than seek mercy and peace.” (Butler)

“This destruction of the Canaanites is due to God's hardening them, but this in no way exonerates the Canaanites. The other way was open, as is shown by what the Gibeonites did.” (Woudstra)

“God is not the author of evil. There is no suggestion that he violated the freedom of Pharaoh's will or that he manipulated Pharaoh in order to heap further vengeance on the Egyptian people. God is not opposed to the cooperation of pagan monarchs. Pharaoh could have cooperated with God just as Cyrus did in the Babylonian exile...It is Pharaoh, not God, who is to be blamed for the hardening of his own heart. Note that this same topic is raised again in Deuteronomy 2:30, Joshua 11:20 and 1 Samuel 6:6. While these allusions are briefer, one can be sure that the process of accountability and human responsibility was just as fair as in the case of Pharaoh.” (Kaiser)

Joshua and the Pentateuch

Schaeffer sates that “Chapter 11, like the earlier chapters insists on the continuity of the law of Moses...(Josh. 11:15,23). This insistence is important because liberal theologians try to drive a wedge between the Pentateuch and the rest of the Bible. It cannot be done. The rest of the Bible, beginning with Joshua, stands in total continuity with the Pentateuch. Joshua was acting on the basis of God's revelation through Moses.”

Who Conquered Hebron?

A note in the Jerusalem Bible on Joshua wiping out of the Anakim in v. 21 states, “This observation of the editor's does not square with Jos 15:13-14 where it is Caleb who conquers Hebron.” But as Lilley rightly replies, “This doubtless refers to Caleb's successes, here attributed to Joshua as overall leader.” He goes on to explain: “The Anakim were a symbol of terror to the early Israelites (Num. 13:13; Dt. 9:2). They may well have been foreign warlords, but the origin of the name is still a mystery.”

Why Was Hazor Singled out for Destruction?

Blair admits, “The utter destruction of Hazor was exceptional, perhaps because of its size and importance; other cities that stood on mounds (Heb. tel) were not destroyed. Perhaps now that the Israelites were established in the land these were no longer a danger, but rather an advantage to settlers.”

“The burning of Hazor was an exception [as a example to others]. Other cities that stood on their mounds were not burned (v. 13). This seems to mean, among other things, that the Israelites took possession of the other cities and lived in them. Such a procedure would bear out the truth of the promise made in Deut. 6:10, where Israel is said to be living in cities they had not built.”

And Younger points out that “Hazor, the most important northern city, is totally destroyed by burning just like Jericho and Ai (cf. 6.24; 8.8,19). Jericho and Hazor frame the 'conquest' of the land of Canaan.”

Was There Really “Rest in the Land”?

It has been rightly pointed out that even in the time after this statement in v. 23, much fighting continued in the effort to totally conquer Canaan. But Woudstra responds: “The enemy's chief resistance had been broken, though much work remained to be done (13:1). For purposes beneficial to Israel, the driving out of the Canaanites was meant to take along time (see Exod. 23:29-30; Deut. 7:22; but cf. Judg. 2:20-23 for a different application of the same thought).”

Blair: “The land had rest from war in the sense that no more pitched battles were required. But the completion of the campaign took 'a long time' (v. 18), and even at the end of Joshua's life there remained 'very much land to be possessed' (13:1). To deal with the parts of the country still unsubdued was now to be the responsibility of the individual tribes.”


Thursday, March 6, 2025


This is a longer than usual psalm. Holladay states that “the very length of Psalm 69 is striking...” Therefore I will confine my comments here to those which apply to the psalm as a whole rather than attempt to address each individual verse.

Place in the Psalter

This Davidic psalm occurs in the second of the five books in the Psalter, where it is symmetrically located in parallel with the other Davidic psalms in that book.

Figure 1: Structure of Psalms 42-72

A. Sons of Korah (Ps. 42-49)

B. Bridge (Ps. 50)

C. Psalms of David (Ps. 51-65)

D. Anonymous Praises (Ps. 66-67)

C'. Psalms of David (Ps. 68-70)

B'. Bridge (Ps. 71)

A'. Psalm of Solomon (Ps. 72)

Superscription, Author and Date

The note in the text before verse 1 reads, “To the leader: according to Lilies, Of David.” This raises several questions. Kselman speaks for most Bible scholars in feeling that the reference to Lilies “probably refers to a melody.” Similar references are found before psalms 60 (“Lily of the Covenant”) and 80 (“Lilies, a Covenant”).

Concerning Davidic authorship, it is interesting that Holladay notes that a papal commission of 1910 “stated that it is not necessary to maintain that David was the sole author of the Psalms, but one must maintain that David was the principal author, and in particular that he was the author of Psalms 2, 16, 18, 32, 69, and 110.” But with time even that requirement was dropped. Even conservative Protestant scholars are hesitant in ascribing authorship of this psalm to King David. The reasons are explained below.

Anderson: “If the concluding verses (35-6) are authentic, then the setting of the Psalm may be the period of reconstruction., soon after 537 B.C., and the author may have been one of the Jews anxious for the rebuilding of the Temple. On the other hand, the Psalmist may have advocated certain changes in the Temple ritual, or he may have been critical of certain aspects of the worship of the day.”

Kselman: “If this psalm is a royal lament, zeal for your house [v. 9] could refer to the king's responsibility for the construction and provisioning of the Temple. If in its final form it dates from the exile the zeal would be directed toward the rebuilding the Temple.”

Rather than taking the above as an anachronistic reference to David, Jacobson translates ledawid as “Davidic” instead of “Of David.” He explains: “We believe that it is likely that the superscription ledawid did not originally indicate authorship – particularly, it did not originally indicate authorship by King David...In Old Testament Hebrew, the name David itself does not always refer to the founder of the Judean dynasty, but can refer to the Judean people (Isa. 55:3), the Davidic dynasty (Jer. 23:5), Ezek. 37:25), or the expected future ideal Davidic king (Jer. 30:9; Hos. 3:5). The Hebrew phrase ledawid is translated most literally 'to David' (the preposition ['l'] in its most generic sense means 'to'). If the lamed is understood as indicating possession ('belonging to'), it is plausible to interpret it as indicating authorship. But a more likely construal of the lamed of possession would be as indicating that the psalm in question belonged to a group of psalms that belonged to the royal temple in Jerusalem...Alternatively, the preposition may indicate that a psalm was composed 'in honor of,' 'dedicated to,' or 'inspired by' the king.”


Scholars like to classify each of the psalms into categories so that Holladay, for example, calls Psalm 69 “a lament of the individual” along with psalms 6-7, 22, 31, 35, 38, 42-43, 51, 55, 63-64, 86, 88, and 140-141. But in the case of Ps. 69, the situation is not that clear.

As Tanner says, “Its petitions are complex, covering multiple themes.” These include descriptions of the Psalmist's troubles, confession of his sin, complaint concerning God's apparent inaction, suffering that appears to be due to God, and suffering because of following God. “In and of themselves, none of these motifs are unusual in prayers for help. What is unusual is that all appear in one prayer. This psalm shows just how complicated life can be...”


Since several subjects appear to be addressed by the Psalmist, it is helpful to appropriately identify those individual paragraphs or section divisions. But in this particular case, it turns out to not be an easy thing to do. Just witness how a number of modern English translations and scholarly commentators disagree with one another on this subject:

RSV, NRSV – 1-3, 4-5, 6-8, 9-12, 13-15, 16-18, 19-21, 22-29, 30-33, 34-36

NEB – 1-18, 19-28, 29-31, 32-35

Living Bible – 1-4, 5-15, 16-19, 20-28, 29-33, 34-36

TEV – 1-3, 4-8, 9-12, 13-15, 16-18, 19-21, 22-28, 29, 30-33, 34-36

NIV – 1-4, 5, 6-12, 13-18, 19-21, 22-28, 29, 30-33, 34-36

JB – 1-5, 6-18, 19-28, 29-31, 32-36

Tanner – 1, 2-4, 5-6, 7-12, 13-18, 19-21, 22-28, 29, 30-33, 34-36

Anderson – 1-4, 5, 6, 7-12, 13-18, 19-21, 22-28, 29, 30-36

M'Caw and Motyer – 1-12, 13-21, 22-28, 29-36

Baigent – 1-29, 30-33, 34-36

If we count the RSV and NRSV together as just one opinion, that leaves the following summary of the verses where the above sources see major breaks in thought:

vv. 3 (2), 4 (3), 5 (2), 6 (2), 12 (6), 15 (3), 18 (4), 21 (5), 28 (8), 29 (5), 31(2), 33 (6)

The only half-way agreements, besides the obvious break after the last verse, are found following vv. 12, 21, 28 and 33. Since this approach based on perceived changes in subject matter is far short of an overwhelming consensus, it is best to supplement it with a study of the specifically repeated language in the psalm. When one does that, the following exact verbal parallels can be seen:

O God (1a)

    I sink in deep mire (2a)

        deep waters and flood (2b)

my God (3)

            my enemies (4)

O God (5a)

                hidden (5b)

                    shame (6a)

O Lord God of hosts (6b)

                       dishonored (6c)

O God of Israel (6d)

                    shame (7)

                        children (8)

                      insult-3x (9-10)


   O LORD (13a)

O God (13b)

                            answer me (13c)

    sinking in the mire (14a)

            my enemies (14b)

        deep waters, flood (14c-15)

                            answer me (16a)

   O LORD (16b)

                   hide (17a)

                            answer me (17c)

            my enemies (18)

                      insults (19a)

                shame (19b)

                    insults (20)


                                curses (22-25)

                                    reason (26)

                                curses (27-28)


O God (29)

     the name of God (30b)

   LORD (31)

God (32)

   LORD (33)


 God (35a)

                                        live (35)

                children (36a)

     his name (36b)

                                        live (36c)

One interesting observation that can be gained from this outline is that there are exactly14 mentions of God overall. This is an indication that great care was taken in composing this psalm since the number 14 is twice “seven,” a number symbolizing in biblical usage completion or perfection.

As a first stab at combining the subject matter of the individual section together with the linguistic data, here are the respective titles given by M'Caw and Motyer for units which take the Psalmist through various stages of his experience. I chose their divisions since they most closely approximate the majority view:

                                                Figure 2: Organization of Psalm 69

                A. Despair under Affliction (vv. 1-12)

                                B. Dependence upon God (vv. 13-21)

                A'. Denunciation of Foes (vv. 22-28)

                                B'. Dedication to the Lord (vv. 29-36)

Note how these sections alternate between negative and positive reflections. In agreement with the above view I have omitted a division after 33 in view of the overall verbal pattern in v. 29-36:










One can also note that there is a very close verbal correspondence between the Psalmist's complaints in A and his turning those same complaints over to God in Section B (see Figure 2).

Tuesday, March 4, 2025


Before the seventh angel blows his trumpet and after the second woe has passed, there occurs an interlude which may be diagrammed as below.

                                             Figure 1: Structure of Revelation 11:15-19

    “There were” great voices (15a)

                in the heaven (15b)

                        saying (15c)

                                statement (15d)

                        singing (16-17a)

                                song (17b-18)

                in the heaven (19a)

        “There were” lightnings and voices...and great hail (19b)

The identically paired-up language in this passage is indicated in this figure. In addition, the statement (15d) and song (17b-18) are related linguistically since both contain the words “Lord,” “earth/world,” “reign” and “great.” That makes four appearances altogether of the word “great,” symmetrically disposed at the start, end, and two in the middle of the passage.

Concerning the use of megas, “great,” in Revelation, Theile says the following: The megas word-group is attested 258 times in the is in Rev. that the greatest number of occurrences (80) are to be found...The reasons for the 80 instances of megas in Rev. are bound up the the literary form in which apocalyptic thought is expressed. Megas also occurs in the apocalyptic discourses in the Gospels (Matt. 24:21,24,31; Mk. 13:2; Lk. 21:11,23). It is used in the larger-than-life symbolism which characterizes the eschatological dimensions of events, e.g. the day (Rev. 6:17), the earthquake (16:18), and the city (18:2,10,16,18f,21). Particularly striking is the occurrence (21 times) of phone megale, 'with a great [i.e. loud] voice'. The expression indicates especially the sovereignty of God which drowns out all other sounds in the voices of his messengers (e.g. Rev. 1:10; 5:2; 7:2; 10:3; 11:15; 16:1; 21:3).”

Even within the song itself, there is a degree of symmetry with its alternation between God's respective treatments of the saved and damned. Also note how the damned are appropriately judged according to to their works.

                                            Figure 2: Structure of Revelation 11:18

        Your 'wrath' has come upon the 'wrathful' (18a)

                for rewarding your servants (18b)

        and for 'destroying' the 'destroyers' (18c)

So much for how this passage is organized. But since the book of Revelation cannot be understood without realizing that it is almost wholly built of of images, next are citations from a number of anonymous scholars writing in The Dictionary of Biblical Imagery who have commented on these verses from that viewpoint.

Revelation 11:15

“The book of Revelation can serve as a summary of what music means to the biblical imagination. Trumpets serve a ritualistic purpose of announcing the advent of times of judgment and redemption.”

“In the Bible the word trumpet generally refers to ram's horns used as sound makers. The trumpets commissioned by Moses, however, were probably straight metal instruments (Num 10:10). All were used for a variety of proclamatory and signaling purposes. Probably none of the biblical trumpets were primarily musical instruments...The seventh, climactic trumpet (Rev 11:15) signals the complete investiture of Christ and beginning of his total and eternal domain of the world (the end of the battle and recall of troops).”

“The ultimate vindication of the city comes in the apocalyptic vision of the New Jerusalem, which descends from heaven (Rev 21:2), symbolic of its divine origin and its transcendence of human and earthly reality. With the appearance of this heavenly city, the kingdom of the world has become 'the kingdom of our Lord and his Christ' (Rev 11:15). Its ancient rival, Babylon, which attempts to subvert it, will ultimately be destroyed and cast down (Rev 18).”

“The seed of the kingdom of God is rooted and growing under the unwitting guardianship of the great Roman Empire where Caesar is king. Here is an anticipation of the time when 'the kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ' (Rev 11:15).”

Revelation 11:16

Regarding the 24 elders in this verse, we must first understand the imagery behind the number 12: “As a symbol, twelve is one of the most important numbers in the Bible...the importance of this number derives from the emergence of the twelve tribes of Israel (Gen 49:28)...The significance of twelve carries over into the NT. Jesus appointed twelve apostles (Mk 3:14), probably as a symbol of the restoration of Israel...The symbolism of twelve appears frequently in the book of Revelation.”

At this point, the author of this comment cites Revelation 7:5-8; 12:1-2; 21:1-4,12,14,16,21; and 22:2. However, he/she leaves out 11:16 in which we see 24 elders, obviously representative of the leadership of God's chosen people in both the OT and NT.

Revelation 11:17

“References to harps lend an otherworldly atmosphere to the picture of heavenly realms (Rev 5:8; 14:2; 15:2). Most pervasive of all is the singing of the saints in heaven over their redemption and glory (Rev 5:12-13; 7:12; 11:17; 14:3; 15:3).”

Revelation 11:18

“In Revelation 11:15-19 the events surrounding the blowing of the seventh trumpet are given. This is the time for the 'judging of the dead' (v. 18). At the climactic moment God's heavenly temple appears, and within it is seen the ark of the covenant, God's mobile battle standard. This vision is accompanied by convulsions of nature associated with the appearance of the divine warrior.”

“In very many instances the Bible uses small as an opposite to great, in reference to rank, station, the range of society and possibly height. A common phrase refers to crowds, the 'small and great' (e.g., Esther 1:5: Job 3:19: Jon 3:5; Rev 11:18).”

Revelation 11:19

“Specific types of place fill out the spatial pictures of heaven. The nearly dozen references to God's throne in heaven lend a royal quality to it, indicative both of the splendor of the place and the authority of the God who rules the universe from heaven...Sometimes heaven has the features of a celestial temple (Is 6:1; Rev 3:12; 11:19; 15:5), in keeping with the worship that occurs there.”

“From [the] association of earthquakes with God's revealing himself comes the substantial presence of this imagery in apocalyptic literature. Thus Hebrews, drawing on Haggai 2:6, looks forward to the final shaking of the heavens and earth (Heb 12:16-17). Revelation, also drawing on the many references in Scripture, includes a number of references to earthquakes (Rev 8:5; 11:13,19; 16:18-20). The fact that the area of the seven churches in western Turkey is prone to earthquakes...must have heightened the imagery to the original hearers.”

“Revelation's images of Gods heavenly throne room allude back to the wilderness tabernacle. It contains an altar of incense (Rev 5:8), an altar of sacrifice (Rev 6:9), the ark (Rev 11:19; cf. Rev 15:5-8) and so forth...Revelation promises that the heavenly ark, once concealed (like the earthly one, behind a curtain), will be exposed to public view (Rev 11:19).”


And it is appropriate to close with one final comment on the passage as a whole:

“A final repository of imagery of worship is the book of Revelation, where worship is perhaps the central ingredient in heavenly ritual. Revelation 4 is an entire chapter devoted to the portrayal of worship. Elaborate attention is devoted to the transcendent setting of the worship and to the strange beings who conduct it. Worship occurs around the throne of God, and its keynote is praise of God's worthiness. Thereafter we find interspersed scenes that resemble the opening scene (Rev 5:6-14; 7:9-12; 11:16-19; 15:2-8). Much of the imagery in the Apocalypse draws upon OT references to temple worship and the theophanies [i.e. divine appearances] of God (with imagery of thunder and lightning).”


Sunday, March 2, 2025


I must admit that I enjoy reading the posts on the atheistic website Quora. They provide a wealth of misinformation regarding the Bible. One enlightening post came from Jason Brody, who offers as his credentials the fact that he had “studied with many Masters such as Osho, Gangaji, Ichazo, and Sat Shree.”

Forgive me for not bowing down to his superior education, but I must also admit that I have never heard of any of these “Masters” before. Instead, let's just consider his gripe with the Bible, which concerns the fact that it labels as “sins” a number of common human traits that by no means should be considered as evil at all. I will address these ridiculous “sins” one at a time.

Telling Jokes (Ephesians 5:4)

Among a litany of practices which Paul says are not pleasing to God is constantly engaging in foolish talking and jesting. Simpson explains that this refers to the sort of “drolleries verging on obscenity ...sallies of festal license in vogue, and squalid indecency” common in Ephesus at the time of writing. “

These crying evils would flaunt as established, conventions of society in such libertine environments as Ephesus.” Thus, this teaching does not at all apply to simple jokes themselves. After all, Jesus was actually known for his lighthearted and humorous approach to teaching others.

Killing a Bird in its Nest (Deuteronomy 22:6)

I am amazed that Brody, with all his training under Eastern “masters,” finds any objection at all to this overtly humanitarian treatment of animals that went far beyond teachings of any other nation at the time. After all, the Hindus treat all animal life, including gnats, as holy.

Craigie discusses the Jewish rationale behind such a prohibition, which only specifically applies to a bird which is raising young chicks at the time. He feels that it is a practical conservation measure since “to take the mother and leave the others would not be possible, for they would not be able to survive without the mother. Thus by taking the young birds (or eggs) but letting the mother go, food was acquired without the source of food for the future being cut off. The legislation thus has something in common with modern conservation laws. The large-scale killing of any species can lead to a serious diminution in its numbers and to eventual extinction.”

Being a Vegetarian (I Timothy 4:1-4)

Now with this objection I can certainly see why Brody, with his background in Eastern beliefs, would balk at labeling vegetarianism as a sin. But that is not at all what Paul is implying. His objection instead is on those who attempt to impose their own restrictive diets on others. And in a Jewish context this meant strict observance of the Jewish food laws as a means of earning God's favor. More specifically, in the specific context of living a Christian life in the midst of a pagan culture, that applied to abstention from meat not prepared by kosher standards and from meat sold in the marketplace that could have possibly been earlier offered as a sacrifice to a pagan god.

Such externally imposed limitations on what is and is not acceptable to eat have no place in the Christian life, which instead is to be centered on gladly receiving what God has provided mankind for nourishment, rather than becoming embroiled again in the nit-picky arguments of the rabbis concerning the minutia of a diet acceptable to God. So it is not at all a case of labeling vegetarianism itself as a sin, but just misguided attempts to force others into accepting your personal perspective on the issue and/or insisting that any other view is a sin.

Being Imperfect (Matthew 5:48)

As a conclusion to a litany of the various ways in which a believer can please God, most having to do with loving attitudes and behavior toward others, Jesus summarizes it all with the admonition: “Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.”

The first, and most important, thing to point out is that nowhere does Jesus even hint that lack of perfection in a Christian is a sin, as Brody states. Perfection is obviously being presented as the ultimate goal which a believer should pursue even though fully achieving it is impossible this side of the grave.

Secondly, as Albright and Mann note, “the word teleios in this context does not refer to moral perfection, but 'truth, sincerity'...It does not have here the later Greek meaning of being 'totally free of imperfection'...”

Seeking Wealth (I Timothy 6:9-10)

As most commentators will point out, being wealthy itself is not a sin and neither is even wanting to have more money. The problem is is what such desires can easily lead to, and it is these which are the actual sins. Both Jesus and Paul enumerate the nature of these very real temptations which are generally associated with an overwhelming desire for monetary gain – placing money rather than God as your idol, gaining money at the expense of other people, never being satisfied enough to stop accumulating more, and hoarding your possessions without sharing your blessings with others. These sins separate a person from both God and his fellow man. Knight notes that the desires here are called anoptos, 'foolish.' with “the primary emphasis being moral rather than intellectual...and blaberas, i.e., 'harmful' or injurious'...”

Planning Your Future (Matthew 6:34)

Hendricksen states, “Providing for tomorrow is one thing. To a certain extent this cannot be condemned. See Luke 16:8,9...becoming anxious for tomorrow is always wrong. The only right way to provide for tomorrow without at the same time being anxious is to take care that today the admonition of verse 33 ('But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness') is obeyed.”

Additionally, Jesus in his teachings warned against thinking that you are the complete master of your own fate and can by your own hard work achieve whatever goals you have set for yourself. To do that is to put yourself in the place of God and ignore the fact that you are ultimately dependent on Him as well as random circumstances totally beyond your control.

Asking for a Pay Raise (Luke 3:14)

This criticism is way out of line since it ignores the whole verse, which reads, “Soldiers also asked him [i.e. John the Baptist], 'And we, what should we do?' He said to them, 'Do not extort money from anyone by threats or false accusations, and be satisfied with your wages.'”

Ellis explains that these were probably Jewish soldiers who were assigned to protect the tax collectors or soldiers of the Jewish puppet ruler. In either case, they were obviously government workers who did not have a union to protect them and had no way of increasing their income without using their power and position to illegally defraud others. John tells them them that that is not a viable option pleasing to God. This example says absolutely nothing regarding an employee in the private sector who feels he is being underpaid and complains to his boss.

If Brody wished to find a more applicable example, he should have instead chosen Jesus' parable of the workers in the field who were hired as day-laborers. Those people reached a mutually agreeable wage with their employer but then later complained when those hired later in the day received the same amount of money for much less time worked. (see Matthew 20).

But even this far more appropriate Scripture passage does not prove Brody's assertion that sins in the Bible are ridiculous since (a) the landowner defrauded absolutely no one in the process and (b) the parable is really teaching about God's rewards in heaven being equal for each person independent of how much of their life was spent serving the Lord. As France puts it, “[God's] generosity transcends human ideas of fairness. No one receives less than they deserve, but some receive far more.”

Loving Your Life (John 12:25)

“The parable in v. 24 is followed by a maxim-like saying concerning loving and hating life. For people of the world, even today the idea of 'hating life' seem to be too much to swallow. But one must remember the Semitic love for absolute contrasts in argument. Similar types of argument can be found in Mark 8:35 and Luke 9:24 concerning saving and losing one's life and in Matt 10:39 concerning finding and losing life.” The commentator who framed these words (and I have unfortunately lost his name) also points to passages such as Genesis 29:30-31; Malachi 1:2; Matthew 5:43; and Romans 9:13 which utilize this same literary device.

Being Anxious (Philippians 4:6)

To some extent, this issue was already addressed above when talking about Matthew 6:34. In addition, the comments of Hughes bear citing here: “Paul wasn't lounging under a palm on the Isle of Capri sipping a cool drink, dictating, 'Don't worry, be happy!' No detachment here. Paul's whole existence was on the bubble; danger was everywhere. Few things were going right for him, humanly speaking. So understand that the apostle's command came with feeling...Paul's command is an echo of Jesus' teaching to his disciples in Matthew 6:25-34. There Jesus identifies worry as simply pagan (v. 32) and asked his hearers to consider the birds of the air as examples of God's provision...The corollary to not worrying is to take up Paul's following command to pray ...(v.6b).” The result will be the peace of God.


Before ending this post, it needs to be pointed out that not a single one of the examples above really falls under the category of SIN. Instead they constitute rather gentle reminders and valuable advice to believers as to actions and mindsets that may pose potential pitfalls to their pursuit of the godly life.