Bible passages explained and illustrated with original art in acrylics and collage.
Legion (2005)
Strangely Normal (2' x 1') |
Normally Strange (2' x 1') |
Entrance (2006, 3" x 2")
Lot greets the angels as they enter the city.
Departure (2006, 3' x 2') Lot and his family flee Sodom. |
Taker (17" x 17"collage on masonite) |
Giver (24" x 13" collage on masonite) |
Earner (17" x 17" collage on masonite) |
Hard Evidence (James 5:1-6)
James rails at the rich who have fattened themselves at the expense of the poor. He tells them they have only prepared themselves for the coming day of slaughter.