Tuesday, September 15, 2020


Job: Lesson 8


Here are some lessons to be gained from the book:

1. For the believer, the main point is that no matter how bad the situation is, God is still in control and Romans 8:28 still applies.

2. God does not always answer “yes” to all our prayers even for a blameless person like Job.

3. You cannot always rely on the advice of family or friends, even if they are sincere Christians. All advice must be evaluated in terms of the word of God.

4. Suffering does not always come into our lives for the purpose of discipline.

5. It is not necessary to know the reason for all adversity, but we can depend on the fact that God will be able to use the events for His honor and glory.

6. God judges a man by his thoughts and intentions whereas men judge others on a superficial basis.

7. You cannot judge a person's spiritual condition by how physically or financially comfortable they are.

8. There will be times in a believer's life when it seems like God has forsaken him.

9. There will be times in a believer's life when people will not respect him.

10. We have as much confidence as Job, if not more, to approach God.

11. We must choose to stand up for what is in accordance with God's word even in the face of opposition from well-meaning friends.

12. You cannot judge the validity of another person's argument by the strength of the presentation.

13. Adversity comes into our lives to help us to mature as Christians and to honor and glorify God.

14. False arguments usually start out with a plausible but incorrect assumption.

15. Even a person like Job who is considered by God to be blameless can arrive at the point where he feels he has been forsaken by God.


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