Wednesday, December 30, 2020


This is my 1,000th post on this blog, and I still have about 100 more to go before I run out of my backlog of teachings and have to start developing some more. So if anyone has a biblical passage they would like me to research, just drop me a line at and I will delve into the    many good resources I have in my home library.

We are covering some of the objections to the Bible found on the internet and usually generated by various atheistic organizations. Parenthetically, I am rather bemused by the whole concept of active groups whose sole purpose is to tell people that something doesn't exist. I guess it does give them a purpose in life to fill the void they have created by rejecting the only thing that could truly give them purpose.  In researching some of these criticisms of the Bible, I was amazed to see that I could hardly find any scientific objections to teachings in the Bible on the internet, especially if you exclude the stories of creation and the flood. Most of the criticisms involved internal contradictions instead.

Here is one of the few "scientific" objections I found, not counting any general objections to miracle stories in the Bible because they all stem from an apriori rejection of anything supernatural based on an unproveable postulate.

How could carnivores exist in the beginning if they could only eat plants?

This objection is based on Genesis 1:30. There are two common responses to this. All animals were originally herbivores, even today's carnivores. Some defend this point of view based on a literal understanding of the idea that death didn't enter the world until after the fall of man, death referring to the physical death of all animal and human life. One problem with this view is that "death" may instead refer to the spiritual death of mankind and say nothing at all regarding the physical death of animal life. I won't try to defend that theory, but there are Christians out there who argue the scientific possibility of carnivores existing without animal life as food. 

Other believers point out that it never really states in the text that the animals were to eat plants only. This second approach treats this verse as a good description of the food chain in which plants are the primary producers of food from which all animals get their nourishment, either directly or indirectly.


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