Friday, January 1, 2021


One criticism on the internet appears at first sight to have some validity. It is stated that the Bible in Leviticus 21:16-23 clearly teaches discrimination against those who have physical deformities. Here is how one commentator summarizes the passage in question: Various bodily deformities...preclude a priest from officiating in the sanctuary. The idea emerges clearly that holiness finds physical expression in wholeness and normality... Although a blemished priest may not offer sacrifice himself, he may still enjoy the priestly perquisites, those parts of the sacrifices reserved for the priests.” G. J. Wenham, The Book of Leviticus, p. 292

The Jews were chosen to be set apart by God from the rest of humanity; then the Levites were somewhat arbitrarily set apart from the other tribes to serve in God's presence, and finally the high priest was set apart from the other Levites. Each step was to visually demonstrate the basic incompatibility between man's inperfection and God's holiness. So what does this so-called discrimination consist of? Those Levitical priests with physical blemishes were basically exempted for having to do some of the normal duties of their tribe but got paid the same as the rest anyway. If you call that discrimination, then it is reverse discrimination if anything.

Interestingly, after Christ's sacrifice everyone can approach the presence of God. Look at who was the first Gentile convert to be specifically mentioned. He was an Ethiopian eunuch who was returning from Jerusalem where he was worshiping. He was not only a convert to Judaism, but also a black, and most importantly he was a eunuch which would have drastically limited his access to the temple. His conversion marked symbolically the end of the Old Testament holiness regulations.


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