Monday, August 31, 2020


Verse 1 Barnhouse: ”The offenses of a butler and baker were planned with the welfare of Joseph in mind.”

Verses 2-3 Brown sees a parallel between Jesus punished alongside two others, one of whom will be hanged on a tree and the other one elevated.

Verse 4 Remember that the two prisoners held high positions in the government and might be pardoned later; so Joseph is not a mere servant in the prison. Captain of the guard was Potiphar?

Verses 6-7 Look at how God provided a “teachable moment” which Joseph took advantage of, when he could have just ignored the situation.

Verse 8 Egyptians held schools of dream interpretation. Joseph, by contrast, says that it is in God's hands, but proceeds to act as if he knows that he is the one that God will reveal the secrets to. Shows that he has not lost his faith, and demonstrates perhaps that he has tempered his egotism and is giving God his due.

Verse 13 A pun in Hebrew. To lift the head means to look upon with favor or lift the head off. Notice Joseph's brusque manner and apparent lack of interest in the baker, compared to his conversation with the wine server. Joseph's concern seems to be mainly about himself.

Verse 14 Intervention did not come by scheming, but eventually by God's will. Notice that Joseph did not tell the whole story (his own brothers sold him) for fear that it would raise suspicions concerning Joseph's innocence. He tells a partial truth.

Verse 15 Called a pit instead of a house. Joseph reminds us that this is the second time he has been put in a pit.

Verse 16 People seek prophecies of their future but are disappointed when the answer is not a favorable one for them.

Verse 17 Echoes Joseph's earlier dreams in that the first one has an agricultural setting and the second one takes place in the sky/air.

Verse 19 It was a temptation to tell him what he wanted to hear (he was an influential man). Like preachers who “tickle the ears” of the congregation.

Verse 20 Can we blame the steward for forgetting Joseph in the excitement of his good fortune, but then turn around and forget to thank God when he has answered our prayers?


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