Monday, August 31, 2020


Goldingay (Daniel) ennumerates several parallels between this chapter and Daniel 2. See how many 

you can detect.

Verse 1 Two years of days emphasizes that a full two years elapsed before he was remembered.

Many of the words in this verse are Egyptian loan-words. If the butler had acted immediately, Joseph 

could have credited his own foresight instead of God's providence.

Verse 7 Like Freud's observation that in a series of similar dreams, the last one will be the most literal.

Verse 14 This custom is confirmed by Egyptian records. Shaving was a ritual before appearing before 

Pharaoh. Probably had to do with removal of all body lice. Also, removal of all body hair was ritual for 

all newly ordained Egyptian priests.

Verse 16 First of several times Joseph gives credit to God (shows growth of faith in prison?): also in vv. 

25, 28, 32.

Verse 28 Generic elohim is used rather than Yahweh, for Pharaoh's benefit.

Verse 32 Like Jesus' use of “Verily, verily.” Doublets throughout Joseph story.

Verse 33 Unlike two years earlier, he is hesitant to put himself forward as the man to do the job (lesson 

after 2 years?) OR Joseph goes beyond mere interpretation and almost gives Pharaoh a command for 


Don't be bashful about seizing the opportunity. A combination of divine and human initiative.

Verse 36 God holds the fate of all nations in his hand, not just those who serve him.

Verses 37-45 Parallel to Joseph's coat of many colors designating his status as the favorite.

Verse 38-39 The first instance of the Holy Spirit dwelling in a person. Pharaoh recognizes the power of 

God at work and his country is spared (contrast later Pharaoh and Moses).

Verse 40 Improbability of this happening in an Egyptian culture has been cited as well as lack of 

historical evidence. However, during the Hyksos reign (1720-1570 BC) Semitic people were employed 

in top positions. Almost every trace of the Hyksos reign was obliterated by the ethnic Egyptians when 

they regained control.

Verses 42-43 Joseph was probably a man like Paul who could be content whether in prison or in 

comfort. Mention of chariots fits only the time of Hyksos and afterwards.

 Verse 44  The name probably means “God speaks, he lives.” Potiphar is a different person from the 

first Potiphar since this one is a priest. What do you think about a monotheist fitting in to a polytheistic 

culture. How much do you think he discussed theology with his boss?

Verse 45 Joseph's name means “revealer of secret things.” OR “God speaks and lives.” OR “food man 

of the land.”

Verse 51 The name may mean release from all obligation of debt, or made me forget my problems by 

recompensing me. If the latter, it brings up the question as to why Joseph never informed his father that 

he was alive.

Verse 55 Was Joseph doing his boss' job for him?


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