Monday, August 24, 2020

LUKE 5:33-39

Q: I wondered about the parable of the wineskins (also in Mt 9:14-17, Mk 2:18-22), specifically at the end of the parable, "...for he says, 'The old is better.'" I assume He is still talking to the Pharisees, but I wondered what is the interpretation of this parable?

This verse at the end of the parable only appears in Luke's account (5:39). The problem is basically this: In the previous parable, old wine stands for OT laws and customs while new wine stands for the message of the Gospel. Taking Luke 5:39 literally appears to endorse the keeping of OT traditions rather than accepting Christ's teachings.

Because of this apparent discrepancy, Marcion (who didn't think much of the OT) and those influenced by him removed this verse from their versions of the text. Another probable reason for some early manuscripts deleting this verse was to bring Luke's account more completely in line with the other Synoptic accounts. (Bruce Metzger, A Textual Commentary on the Greek New Testament)

Rather than just remove this verse because it is difficult, it is preferable to wrestle with the apparent contradiction. Here are a few of the approaches that have been taken:

1. The early manuscripts are evenly divided in this verse between the use of “good” and “better.” If it is “good,” then the meaning is “good enough.” In other words, he who drinks old wine does not compare old and new; he is content not to try the new.” (I. Howard Marshall, Commentary on Luke) Similarly, “The point at issue here has nothing to do with the comparative merits of old and new wine, but refers to the predilection for old wine in the case of those who are accustomed to drink it.” (Joseph A. Fitzmyer, The Gospel According to Luke I-IX) In other words, these people say, “The OT law is good enough for me. Why should I even try to listen to any new teachings?”

2. Some early manuscripts add “immediately” before “desires.” The same occurs in a similar saying in the Gospel of Thomas, which may actually preserve some early versions of Christ's original sayings. (Fitzmyer) If this is the intent of the verse, then it means that most people are not likely to immediately adopt new teachings without first thinking them over.

3. Almost all commentators labeled it as an ironic or wry comment by Jesus not to be taken literally.

New Bible Commentary: “An ironic comment on Jews who rejected the new wine of the gospel and held that the old ways are better. Jesus quotes the saying without endorsing it.

Hard Sayings of the Bible: The saying “far from expressing the mind of Jesus, could well express an attitude that he deplores it because it hinders the advance of the kingdom of God.”

Fred B. Craddock, Luke: “Luke's verse 39 is unique and unusual. Is it humor or irony?” A literal reading is inconsistent with the previous parable.


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