Monday, August 24, 2020

LUKE 21:24

Q:  This is rather a difficult verse to understand. What exactly does it mean?

The context of this section is, of course, Jesus' answer to two different questions by the Apostles: when the temple will be destroyed and signs of Jesus Second Coming. Assuming that these are two completely separate events (unlike both the preterists and dispensationalists), this still leaves two options as to whether the phrase refers to events that are now in the past or are yet to come. The parallel Synoptic accounts do not have this comment of Jesus, so they are really of little help except for the fact that Matthew 24:22 substitutes a comment that the days will be cut short, which is also an ambiguous statement.

I looked at ten different commentaries for a better understanding of this verse and am about as confused as I was to start with. Most of the scholars use the word “probably” to preface their opinions or give several competing possibilities. Here are all the options I found, so you can take your pick:

1. Dispensationalists feel that it refers to the restoration of Israel as THE world power directly following the Tribulation. This will usher in the Millennial Kingdom on earth. (Bible Knowledge Commentary) They often quote Zechariah 8:12-14, in which a siege of Jerusalem appears to be directly followed by the return of the Jews and conversion of the Gentiles. Other scholars specifically deny that there is any hint of this found in Luke 21:24. (New Bible Commentary, New International Commentary on the New Testament)

2. “It refers probably to the end of the present world order.” At that time, God will set up his eternal kingdom on the new earth. (International Bible Commentary, New International Commentary on the New Testament)

3. It refers primarily to the Roman capture of Jerusalem and carrying people off into captivity. (Commentary on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament) The period of Roman domination over Jerusalem will have an end. (New International Greek Testament Commentary) The meaning is “until the triumph of the Romans is complete.” This includes the crushing of the Jewish revolts occurring after 70 AD as well. (The Anchor Bible)

4. It refers to the time of the Gentile mission, which will extend until the Last Days. At this time, the very much debated events predicted by Paul will occur (see Romans 11:25) during which “all Israel will be saved.” (Interpretation Commentary)

5. Foreign possession or domination over Jerusalem (including Islamic ) will continue until the Last Days. Alternatively, Gentile domination over world politics will continue until that time that God sets up his own Kingdom. (The New Century Bible Commentary)


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