Sunday, August 23, 2020


 Q: As GOD told Moses everything about all the offerings, did Moses write it as GOD told him?

A number of times in the Bible it specifically states that Moses wrote down the words of God as he was given them, as in the writing of the Ten Commandments. By contrast, Jesus is only said to have written anything down once, and that was written in the dirt. In addition, Moses is said to have transmitted the words of God orally to the people (just as Jesus did). It is also probable that scribes faithfully wrote these instructions down and taught them to subsequent generations.

There is an added complication when we ask the question: “When was the Book of Leviticus actually completed?” Liberal critics have proposed a time during the Exile or shortly afterward (NRSV Study Bible, p. 142). However, the Jewish scholar Jacob Milgrom has demonstrated through careful examination that a time no later than David's reign is more likely (Leviticus 1-16, Anchor Bible commentary, pp. 3-34), and Allen P. Ross ably defends the traditional view that the whole book was compiled from earlier sources sometime shortly after Moses' death (Holiness to the LORD, pp. 33-42). The details in their arguments are much too many to rehearse in this reply.


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